Celebrity Sponsor

Sponsor the Cost of Education by Putting Your Fame to Work for College Students

Signing up as a sponsor for the college funding solutions managed and administered by The Brain Fund can help you put your fame to good use on behalf of college students. Our student loan debt-relief programs include the innovative eduPOINT$ program that allows students and families to receive financial incentives that can be applied to the cost of a college education. The Brain Fund is committed to helping students graduate college debt-free and offers a number of economic stimulus and student-loan debt relief options designed to supplement scholarships and college financial aid packages. We depend on the support of business partnerships, individual volunteers and celebrity sponsors who provide us with material support in revolutionizing the college funding paradigm.


Publicizing the Plight of Students

As a celebrity sponsor, you can support our work in transforming how higher education is funded by appearing at gala events or in advertising intended to publicize the work our nonprofit organization performs. Most students graduate from college with thousands of dollars in unpaid loans. This forces them to begin their working life under a cloud of financial instability.


By promoting the innovative programs originated by The Brain Fund, you can make a real difference in the lives of American students:

• By engaging in active recruitment of business partners, you can increase the visibility of The Brain Fund among potential participants.
• You can mention our programs in your social media postings.
• A scholarship in your name or in the name of one of your loved ones can provide funding for one or more deserving students.
• You can make a donation directly to our nonprofit organization to support our ongoing activities.


As a celebrity sponsor, you can also utilize our eduPOINT$ program to promote your brands and increase sales and revenue. By lending your name, your image and your financial help to U.S. students, you can help us achieve our goals and can provide real student loan debt-relief options that can transform the way college educations are funded in the future.



  • Retail Industry
  • Automobile Industry
  • Fortune 1000
  • Restaurant Industry
  • Small Business
  • Healthcare Industry