Put Your Fame to Good Use as an Ambassador for The Brain Fund
At The Brain Fund, we are committed to transforming how higher education is funded. We work with businesses and individuals throughout the country to provide college funding solutions that provide real student loan debt-relief options to supplement existing college financial aid and scholarships. As a celebrity, you have a unique platform from which to promote worthy causes. Becoming a celebrity ambassador for The Brain Fund can allow you to do your part toward ensuring debt-free higher education options and opening up new college funding opportunities for students and their families. By putting your fame to work as an ambassador for our innovative initiatives, you can support efforts to help students fund their college educations.
Real Impact in the Real World
By becoming a celebrity ambassador for The Brain Fund and our eduPOINT$ program, you can do real good right here at home. We offer solutions designed to allow students and their families to earn up to $1,000 per year per participant toward a college education. By promoting this program, you can support our quest to provide debt-free higher education opportunities for all students. As a celebrity ambassador, you can participate in a number of ways, including the following:
• Mentioning The Brain Fund and eduPOINT$ on your social media sites
• Working with businesses and other organizations to promote the value of participation in this unique college funding initiative
• Endorsing our innovative programs and participating in our efforts to raise visibility for The Brain Fund
• Attending gala events and making your presence known in the college funding community
• Staying active in your local chapter as your busy schedule allows
• Donating your time and money to help support this worthy nonprofit
Best of all, you can see the results of your efforts to help students manage the costs of their college educations. Your work as an ambassador can provide the support needed to help students graduate from college debt-free and ready to do their part to create a positive economic stimulus in all areas of the U.S.
Working as a celebrity ambassador can help you be part of something positive that can have beneficial effects for many years to come. The ripple effects of your actions can improve the opportunities available for students after college and can break the chokehold of excessive debt for college graduates. By working to deliver practical student loan debt-relief solutions, you can also position yourself as a committed advocate for debt-free higher education options for deserving students. At The Brain Fund, we are transforming how higher education is funded. Be a part of our journey as an ambassador for our cause.